Monday, October 11, 2010

10 random thoughts

1) leaving an container in a room overnight, that was once filled with vietnamese food, will inevitably leave said room reeking of quite the inviting aroma: melange of cat vomit and goat fart...

2) i once had a girl ask me if she was a problem. i laughed and replied, "nope. i got 99 problems, but you ain't one." hit me!

3) i never met a person who had money (real money) who wasn't busy. unless the person was old and retired. conversely, it's interesting that the poor people seem to have an inordinate amount of free time on their hands... coincidence? get your hustle up.

4) people who update their statuses with "motivating" quotes just motivates me to mock them, and their quotes. that is, unless the person who is actually using a motivating quote is none other than myself.

5) i've been proposed to by three different women in my lifetime. and it's not like i'm an old timer, but for the life of me i can't remember whom the first one was from.

6) people are always a little bit incredulous when i tell them tales of my hometown. but that story's to come later...

7) apparently, a lot of people choose seven when given the choice of 1 through 10. that being said, i'm going to stop here. i would go back and change the title of this blog entry, if i were more inclined to do so (which, i suppose, you could count as one more).