Tuesday, June 16, 2009

everything short of wearing hoods and yelling "white power!"

check out this article:

it's about the only article i could find on the matter of the minutemen project's massacre (incomplete) of the flores family. the mother survived the attack, and the older daughter was not home when the incident occurred. it's very surprising that there are not too many articles i could find, covering the subject. i had to go through someone else's blog to find one. also of significant remarkability is the fact that the minutemen are considered an activist group. that, to me, is completely preposterous. i ask myself, "do activists rob people at gunpoint?" "do activists break into people's homes and murder them?" i can't say that i can think of any activist group that does. i could think of an "activist group" that preys upon and terrorizes minorities (or at least they used to, now i think they just smuggle drugs and have town hall meetings to stir up anti-minority sentiment). the group of which i speak wears hoods, has leaders called grand dragons, and yells "white power!" a lot, but if i'm not mistaken, this group isn't really an activist group...

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